Monday, 22 October 2007


The opportunity of a teaching residency at SRISHTI college, in Bangalore, enables me to gain a deeper knowledge of India and to develop an INDIA SERIES of 'HISTOIRES/(HI)STORIES...'.
Whereas in the first series of 'HISTOIRES...', the focus was on exploring the basis of inter-cultural conflicts between nations and civilizations, the idea, here, is to explore conflicts and contradictions between different cultural strands within India.

The series begins with the encounter between a plastic BUDDHA—bought at a flee market, in Bangalore (subtly tinted and reminiscent of acid-etched crystal, and for a time used as an ornament in the flat where I am living:

and a heavy, opaque brass effigy of the Hindu Bull deity, 'NANDI':

Quite an emblematic and topical image, given the once-upon-a-time spread of Buddhism in India, and its comparative disappearance; especially when seen against the recent attempts by right-wing parties to define INDIANNESS through the exclusive values and tradition of HINDUISM...

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